Quick Start

RIANA enables protein turnover data analysis from mass spectrometry-based proteomics experiments. Supports multiple labeling strategies, including labeled amino acid and heavy water.

Edward Lau


April 25, 2023

This page provides the documentation for the RIANA package, which is a tool for the analysis of stable isotope labeling experiments for protein turnover measurements.

Installing RIANA

Install Python 3.7+ and pip. See instructions on Python website for specific instructions for your operating system.

Riana can be installed from PyPI via pip or directly from GitHub. We recommend using a virtual environment.

$ pip install riana

Launch riana as a module (Usage/Help):

$ python -m riana

Alternatively as a console entry point:

$ riana

To test that the installation can load test data files in tests/data:

$ pip install tox
$ tox

To run the Riana test dataset (a single fraction bovine serum albumin file from a Q-Exactive) and write the results to a specified out/test/ directory

$ python -m riana integrate tests/data/sample1/ tests/data/sample1/percolator.target.psms.txt -q 0.1 -i 0,1,2,3,4,5 -o out/test/

Processing Datasets

Via Snakemake

RIANA comes with a Snakemake pipeline which is the recommended way to run RIANA. To configure, edit the provided config_template.yaml to specify the location of Comet and Percolator executables. Then run Snakemake with the provided Snakefile, e.g.,:

$ snakemake -c -s ./Snakefile -d out/snakemake_test --configfile ./config_template.yaml

Refer to Snakemake documentations for details on configuring snake files.

Curve plotting

Note that the provided Snakefile settings do not automatically output plotted curves or pre-integration intensity files by default. To output these files, edit the Snakefile to add -w and p to the shell commands under the integrate and fit rules, respectively.

Below is the config_template.yaml:

# Config

# Data location. Add as many lines as needed, sample names should be named after
# labeling time points (e.g., time12 for 12 days/12 hours of experiment)
  time0: /path/to/time0/folder
  time1: /path/to/time1/folder
  time3: /path/to/time3/folder
  time6: /path/to/time6/folder

# Paths to the comet executable, the comet params file, the database, and the percolator executable
# The Snakefile assumes riana can be executed in the shell by riana
  comet: /path/to/comet_source_2020013/comet.exe
  comet_params: /path/to/params/comet.params
  fasta: /path/tp/database.fas
  percolator: /path/to/percolator

# Integration and fitting parameters
  model: simple     # fitting model (simple, guan, fornasiero)
  label_type: hw        # labeling type (aa or hw)
  isotopomers: 0,1,2,3,4,5   # isotopomer to integrate (0,1,2,3,4,5 for deuterium; 0,6 for heavy aa)
  mass_tol: 15         # mass tolerance in ppm for integration (e.g., 25)
  ria_max: 1          # final precursor ria
  kp: 10              # guan model parameter (kp) or fornasiero model parameter (b)
  kr: 0.15              # fornasiero model parameter (a)
  rp: 5.52              # fornasiero model parameter (r)
  depth: 1             # minimum number of data points
  aa: K                 # which amino acid carries heavy label; only relevant if label_type is aa
  mass_defect: D        # which isotope mass defect to use (D, C13, SILAC)

# Number of threads
  comet: 8
  riana: 4
  fitcurve: 12

Manual Runs

Alternatively, RIANA can be directly called from command line given the paths to the folder of the mzML files and the Search/Percolator results. To run the turnover analysis pipeline manually, prepare the following expected input files:

  • RIANA was tested on the percolator output file from Crux Tide/Percolator or standalone Comet/Percolator.

  • The following workflow has been tested for both amino acid and heavy water labeling data gathered on a Q-Exactive instrument:

  • Convert raw files to mzML, using pwiz 3.0 msconvert in command line, with the following option:

    • --filter "peakPicking vendor"
  • Download the latest Crux distribution

  • Run Tide index with the following options:

    • --digestion partial-digest
    • --missed-cleavages
  • Run Tide search for each experimental time point separately with the following options:

    • --isotope-error 1,2 (for HW) or 6,12 (for AA)
    • --compute-sp T
    • --mz-bin-width 0.02
    • --mz-bin-offset 0.0
    • --precursor-window 20
    • --precursor-window-type ppm
  • Run Percolator with the following options:

    • --protein T
    • --decoy-prefix DECOY_
  • Run RIANA integrate for each experimental time point separately.

  • Run RIANA fit

Specifying paths

Note that the mzml_path argument should point to the directory where all mzML fractions (fraction1.mzML, fraction2.mzML, etc.) for each labeling time point are located, whereas the id_path argument should point to a percolator.target.psms.txt file from the output of searching and post-processing all the mzML files in that labeling time point together


RIANA integrate outputs a {sample}_riana.txt file for each sample, which contains the Percolator output appended with additional columns, e.g., m0, m6, m12, which contains the integrated areas of each isotopomer of each peptide over a retention time range in the mass spectrometry data. The output columns depend on the isotopomer indices specified.

In addition, the {sample}_riana_intensities.txt files contain the individual intensity data of each isotopomer in each retention time point prior to integration.

RIANA fit outputs a riana_fit_peptides.csv file which contains the best-fit k, R2, and dk for each peptide-charge combination.

If the flag --plotcurves is set, RIANA additional outputs a graphical representation of each fitted curve:

Best fit kinetic curve for a particular peptide across multiple labeling time points.